Organization: UN Children's Fund
In this short course, you will explore why research at UNICEF matters and observe ways to ensure that the highest-quality research is impacting the lives of women and children.
Learning objectives
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Describe the importance of research to UNICEF programming, policy and advocacy.
- Provide examples of where and on what topics research is done at UNICEF
- Describe the research process
- Describe key principles and tools used throughout that process
- Identify where to go to find more information about UNICEF research.
This course is suitable to new staff of any level of seniority, of technical or non-technical background, who want to learn the basics about the subject.
It is also open to anyone interested in learning about Research and Evidence at UNICEF.
It should take you about 30 minutes to complete this self-paced course.
This course is composed of a single short self-paced animated module, including various examples and activities.
This course is composed of four sections:
- Introduction
- The importance of research at UNICEF
- Research in action with quality assurance
- Making it happen
Contact details
Prerna Banati, Senior Planning Specialist
How to register:
How to register:
This course is free and open to all on Agora, UNICEF's global hub for learning and development at:
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All UNICEF staff (incl. consultants and interns) have a profile on Agora, linked to their organizational account. New users are encouraged to check the Agora Quick Start Guide to learn about basic features of the portal.
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