Organization: UN Children's Fund
This new learning programme on "Economic and Social Policies for Promoting Child Rights with Equity" has been developed as an update and replacement for the previous programme "Evidence Based Policy Analysis to Deliver Results for Children (also known as "Maastricht").
Learning Objectives and Methodologies
The objective of this innovative Learning Programme is to enhance the theoretical understanding of all professional level UNICEF staff on public policy and development issues, and strengthen their ability to apply this knowledge in the design and implementation of policies and programmes, and in the building of effective partnerships to promote children’s rights with equity. The learning enhances professional competency by imparting a set of relevant techniques and argumentation, critical consideration of approaches and strategies, and different policy options to allow for meaningful development dialogue.
This programme is in partnership with the Economic Research Foundation based in New Delhi. The programme consists of eight modules taken online (see attached course description).
This e-learning course is open for all staff and can be started at any time. Upon completion, participants will be able to print a certificate.
Course duration
It should take you 5-7 hours to complete this course.
The test for the course can be taken after completion of all the modules. The course certificate can be generated once the participant clears all modules with the required minimum scores.
Waithira Gikonyo, Senior Learning Officer, OLDS with copy to Angela Salazar
How to register:
This course is free and open to all on Agora, UNICEF's global hub for learning and development at:
New to Agora? Agora is UNICEF’s Global Hub for Learning and Development. Agora already offers direct access to a great diversity of self-learning opportunities in a searchable catalogue, as well as services such as learning plans, personal records of learning or electronic badges and certificates. Many more activities will be added over the coming months, including local and regional initiatives.
All UNICEF staff (incl. consultants and interns) have a profile on Agora, linked to their organizational account. New users are encouraged to check the Agora Quick Start Guide to learn about basic features of the portal.
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