Organization: Medical Mission Institute
The new two-day, first level pre-deployment Ebola training course is available for all medical and non-medical humanitarian aid workers preparing an assignment in the countries affected by the Ebola outbreak. The training offers an initial insight into the characteristics of Ebola virus disease and the current outbreak, as well as the management of an Ebola Treatment Centre. A strong focus is put on practical exercises with personal protective equipment (dress and undress) and barrier nursing.
The exercises take place in an Ebola Treatment Unit replica set up to mirror real-life conditions in West Africa. The course language is English. Please visit for more information and registration, or contact
The primary purpose of the two-day Ebola: Management and Training pre-deployment course is to ensure that field workers have sufficient knowledge of how to provide care to Ebola patients and ensure their own personal safety. The course is based on the syllabus of trainings developed by Médecins Sans Frontières and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).
How to register:
The course is being offered once per week Mondays and Tuesdays til early December 2014. Courses will continue in 2015, depending on requests.
Please enquire about the next course dates and vacant seats through the contact form!
Start: Mondays at 09.00hrs
End: Tuesdays at ca. 18.00hrs
Via Email (and soon via online registration)
Medical Mission Institute Würzburg
Ebola Training Team
Hermann-Schell-Str. 7
97074 Würzburg